Furever West
The main goal of our convention is for our attendees to have a fun and memorable time with us! To that end, Furever West has established the following rules to make sure everyone can have a safe and enjoyable convention.

Furever West COVID Policy
Vaccination and masks preferred but not required in con spaces.
Masks are required in the Dealer's Den and gaming area. Masks will be available at the Dealer's Den entrance and unmasked attendees will not be allowed into the Dealer's Den.

Furever West policies and rules apply to every aspect and area of our events, activities, and promotions. Specific parts of our convention (e.g. Dealers Den) may have additional policies that apply in addition to this code of conduct, and any inquiries should be directed to the appropriate department representative.
In case of any apparent conflict between the provisions of the following policies and any other policy enacted by Furever West, our policies shall take precedence. Our goal is for everyone to have fun. Much of what is listed below relates to “serious/worst case” scenarios. These policies represent the standard of behavior and courtesy that Furever West expects from all attendees towards our venue, other attendees, and the public to provide a safe and enjoyable “furry-friendly” environment for everyone.
The convention committee, staff, and security team of Furever West have the authority to enforce these policies throughout the convention. In case of dispute, appeals may be made to the Convention Chair or Vice Chair, whose decision is final.
-Any action, behavior, or dress that causes significant interference with the convention operations, significant discomfort to other attendees, or affects the convention’s relationship with the venue, attendees, or the public is strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion from the con and a ban from the convention.
-Badges must be easily visible at all times in convention spaces and those without an official con badge will not be allowed to access con spaces. Badges are issued on an individual basis and may not be shared, traded or sold. Failure to abide by this rule will result in expulsion from the convention and possibly a ban from future cons
- RACISM AND BIGOTRY ARE NOT TOLERATED AT FUREVER WEST and will result in expulsion from the convention space and a possible ban from future conventions
Convention Rating and Minor Policies- PG
-Adult themed artwork may be sold by dealers but must be kept in a clearly marked binder separate from pg/general artwork. Explicit artwork of an adult nature must be censored within the stated binder and may not be openly displayed or flaunted by dealers or purchasers
- Our convention is PG, no imagery, descriptions, or artwork of an adult nature is permitted on badges, clothing, or accessories brought and/or carried by attendees in areas accessible to minors or the general public
-Any minors under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a badge-holding registered adult at all times. Minors under 14 are allowed free entry with the purchase of a registration badge by their accompanying guardian. Minors 15 to 17 years old must have parental consent to purchase a registration badge.
-Any attire worn in con space must maintain a PG rating up until 8:00pm Friday. Between the hours of 8:00 pm and 1:00 am, attire must maintain a PG13 rating.
- Attendees MAY NOT WEAR any insignias or symbols perceived as hate symbols as determined by our staff. Armbands are not permitted to be worn in con space at any time.
-Costumes copying or modelled after law enforcement or military uniforms are forbidden within convention space, and may be considered unlawful use of military uniforms. The only exceptions are if the individual is active military or law enforcement.
-PG hours (opening to 8 PM Friday, all Saturday) Attendees must wear appropriate attire up to and including opaque shirts, pants/shorts, and footwear. Collars and harnesses are acceptable but no leashes, fetish gear, or latex/neoprene/PVC bodysuits.
-PG13/After Dark Hours (8 PM to 1 AM Friday) Appropriate undergarments must be worn under bodysuits e.g. dance belts. Explicit items of an adult nature are not allowed within con space (e.g. any adult toys). Tasteful gear is allowed including collars, leashes, harnesses, skin tight body suits, etc. Attendees MAY NOT WEAR any attire which allows for genitalia or the features of a person’s genitalia to be viewed.
-When walking through public hotel space, all non-PG clothing, items, gear or accessories must be covered from public view. Likewise during After Dark Hours, attendees wearing PG-13 clothing, items, accessories or gear may not leave the con space without a covering.
-Props are allowed as long as they are easily carried by a single person and do not disrupt the space or person of other attendees. Props must be made from soft materials like foam, plush, wood securely wrapped in foam or soft rubber, PVC or ABS piping, or soft plastic. Props may not be thrown, brandished, or used to hit or disrupt other attendees. No prop, toy or replica weapons are allowed including blades, projectile devices, and blunt weapons. This includes Nerf guns.
-No silly string or laser pointers will be permitted in con space.
-No sleeping in any public areas of the hotel or convention spaces.
-Any act of vandalism or deliberate damage to the hotel or hotel property will result in immediate and permanent removal from the Furever West convention. This also includes any interference with hotel staff in the performance of their duties. Vandalism, damage, or destruction of hotel property may result in severe consequences, including but not limited to revocation of attendance privileges, removal from the hotel, being held financially responsible by the hotel, or legal prosecution.
-Attendees are required to follow any reasonable instructions when given by a staff member. If you believe an instruction is not reasonable, address your concerns to the Manager of that department. Disputes are escalated as necessary, but the decision of the Directors/Chair is final.
-Merchandise sales may only be performed in the Dealers Den, as designated by convention staff and only by parties who have registered and been accepted by the convention to conduct business.
-Do not place flyers, signs or business cards anywhere except designated areas within con space, and only with con approval.
-Alcohol may only be consumed by persons of legal drinking age (21) or older. Alcohol may only be served by hotel staff and consumed at the bar, within con space or in your hotel room. Alcohol from outside the hotel may be consumed in your hotel room. Please enjoy responsibly. While we are all here to have fun, any individual who is intoxicated to the point where they pose a risk to themselves or others will be asked to leave either temporarily or permanently.
-Illicit drugs/controlled substances are not allowed within con spaces. Recreational cannabis/pot/marijuana of any strain or form is illegal in Wyoming as per state law.
-Smoking and Vaping are NOT PERMITTED in the convention spaces and hotel rooms. Our convention host is a small hotel, please smoke or vape outside.
-There will be no tolerance of any physical assault, battery, stalking, or unwelcome physical attention. There will be no tolerance of any conduct, dress, or speech that targets, threatens, intimidates, or is otherwise intended to cause distress to other attendees, or members of protected classes (such as those based on race, age, religion, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual identity). These violations will result in immediate expulsion from the convention, a permanent ban, and if applicable will be reported to authorities.
-No weapons will be allowed in con spaces with no exceptions.
-Pets will not be allowed within con spaces. Emotional support animals are also not allowed in con space. Service and medical alert animals are allowed if clearly identified via vest etc., and any service or medical alert animals may not be touched, bothered, distracted, or otherwise prevented from performing their job by any attendee without express permission from the animal’s handler. Reports of such behavior to security by the animal’s handlers will result in the violator being asked to leave the convention. Any apparent service animal that displays out of control behavior including excessive barking, aggression, or destruction of convention or hotel property will be asked to leave the convention. Pets are allowed in public/hotel spaces as our hotel does allow pets.
-Portable speakers must be turned off in any convention space that is enclosed or where people cannot walk away from your speakers. This includes the dealers den, headless lounge, hallway, and public hotel space. Music played otherwise must be quiet enough that you can talk over it without raising your voice. The same rules apply to live musicians and they may not obstruct any walkways or disrupt a scheduled event. Musicians may not play with an open case to ask for money or imply that they are asking for tips.
-Hotel quiet hours begin at 10 PM for the duration of the convention, please respect them and understand that if the hotel finds you in violation Furever West has no liability if you are asked to leave the hotel.